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Workers’ Compensation 90-Day Rule



Workers’ compensation 90-day Rule is a system designed to provide benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. The process of filing a workers’ compensation claim involves various rules and regulations that both employees and employers must adhere to.

In this article, we will explore what the 90-day rule entails and its significance in workers’ compensation cases.Workers Compensation 90-days rule

What is the 90-Day Rule?

The 90-day rule, also known as the notice requirement or the 90-day notice rule, refers to the time limit within which an employee must notify their employer of a work-related injury or illness.


In most jurisdictions, employees are required to report the injury or illness to their employer within 90 days from the date it occurred or from the date they became aware of its work-related nature.

Importance of the 90-Day Rule

The 90-day rule serves several important purposes in workers’ compensation cases:

  1. Prompt Reporting

The rule encourages employees to report work-related injuries or illnesses promptly. Reporting injuries or illnesses in a timely manner allow employers to take immediate action, such as providing necessary medical treatment and initiating the workers’ compensation process. It also helps prevent delays and disputes that may arise from delayed reporting.

  1. Investigation and Documentation

Early reporting enables employers to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and gather relevant documentation. This includes documenting the circumstances surrounding the injury or illness, identifying any witnesses, and preserving any physical evidence.

See also  How to Gather Evidence for a Personal Injury Claim

Timely investigation and documentation contribute to the accuracy and credibility of the workers’ compensation claim.

  1. Statutory Compliance

The 90-day rule ensures compliance with statutory requirements set by workers’ compensation laws. Failure to report within the specified time limit may result in the denial of the workers’ compensation claim.

By adhering to the rule, both employees and employers fulfill their legal obligations under the workers’ compensation system.

Exceptions and Variation

While the 90-day rule is the general standard, it’s important to note that there may be exceptions and variations based on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances.

Some jurisdictions may have different time limits for reporting, such as 30 days or 60 days, while others may have additional requirements for certain types of injuries or occupational diseases.

It’s crucial for employees to familiarize themselves with the specific workers’ compensation laws in their jurisdiction to ensure compliance with reporting requirements.

Consulting with an attorney or contacting the local workers’ compensation board can provide clarity on the rules applicable to individual cases.


The 90-day rule is a critical aspect of workers’ compensation claims. It establishes the time limit within which employees must report work-related injuries or illnesses to their employers.

By adhering to this rule, employees contribute to the effectiveness of the workers’ compensation system, ensuring prompt action, investigation, and documentation of their claims.

It’s essential for both employees and employers to understand and comply with the 90-day rule to protect their rights and obligations under workers’ compensation laws.


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