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There are two types of marriage recognized under Nigerian laws. One of the two types of Marriage is what we commonly refer to as a Court wedding (The proper name is “marriage under the Act or Statutory Marriage). There is also marriage under the native law and custom which include marriage under the Islamic traditions.


However, below are the 6 benefits of court wedding:

      1. You and your partner have equal rights over your joint properties.

There is nothing like cultural influence over your marriage, which you validly contracted under the Act with respect to the property you and your spouse acquired jointly during the subsistence of your marriage. Both you and your spouse have equal rights over such property

      2. It confers on you and your partner the status of the couple.

It is very risky to cohabit with a man or woman you are not married to. Troubles could strike, and both of you will end in court. It is safer to protect yourself legally by getting married under the Act. Most persons are even together, thinking that they are legally married without knowing that what they did in the name of marriage does not meet the legal requirement of a valid marriage.

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       3. Marriage under the Act protects you from polygamy

When you marry under the Act, you cannot validly contract another marriage with another man or woman during the pendency of your marriage. If you do, the 2nd marriage is void. That is, the 2nd marriage is no marriage. For you or your partner to validly marry again, then you have to be divorced by the High court.

      4. Marriage under the Act is very simple and less expensive

Some persons are not yet married because, there are really working hard to raise enough money for their wedding. In some customs, the marriage list is usually long enough to discourage you from making any attempt to marry.

Don’t worry; marriage under the Act is relatively cheap as noted by Pulse. Marriage under the Act is not totally free, but with a maximum of 25k in some areas, you can celebrate your wedding. You really don’t have to borrow money or incur a terrible debt just to satisfy your guest or to create the impression that you are very rich. Simply walk into any of the marriage registries and fill the necessary forms.


        5. it can be conducted within a short time and with less stress

Under the law, marriage under the Act must be concluded within 3 months from the date the notice of the marriage was pasted on the marriage registry’s notice board or the whole process will be nullified.  Though the Registrar usually allow 21 days after the notice of marriage was pasted for a caveat, once the 21 days elapses, and there is no caveat against the intended marriage, every other thing can be concluded in a short period of time and celebration if done in the registrar’s office won’t last more than 30 minutes and it’s over.

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        6. It is less noisy

Except you chose to celebrate your marriage in a licensed place of worship, court wedding is less noisy. I mean, it is just you and your partner and few friends to witness the celebration.

If you are the type that doesn’t like crowed; this kind of wedding will definitely fit you. Just talk to your partner about it and you might consider it and this is one of the 6 benefits of court wedding.

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