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You can marry now

I know some friends who insisted that they don’t want to marry when they are still in school; that marriage is a whole lot of distraction and they just concentrate and study their books. Now, after law school, you may decide to settle down before any other thing. At least, you are free person now and wouldn’t have to worry about books or anything.

You can decide to go for NYSC

The Nigerian Youth Service program is compulsory for every Nigerian Youth save for those who are within the exceptions category. Immediately after your law school, you may proceed to do your NYSC in any state of your choice. The experience you may gather as a corper will really be helpful to you when you will come into full time practice.

Go for your masters

Beside your LL.B which the various Universities award to her graduates, and the B.L which you acquire after going through the law school, you can proceed to do your masters on relevant field of law. You can do your masters in any of the Nigerian Universities or any foreign Universities. Some Foreign Universities even allows for Online masters program. Master’s degree in law is so vital for those that are interested in going into Academics as lecturers or teachers of law. Without your masters and Ph.D’s, it is nearly impossible to get a lecturing job in any reputable university worldwide.

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Go for arbitration program

Law practice is not only centered on litigations. Currently, most disputes are settled and without recourse to court. This is why deep knowledge of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms is really necessary. You may consider undertaking a lesson on arbitration and other ADR options in case you were not opportune to register with any of the arbitration and chartered mediation institutes while you were in law school.

Work on your talent

Life for me is not all about being a lawyer. It is deeper than that. Some persons are really gifted and called to be lawyer by nature while some may have other gifts endowed on them by nature but for some reason, such persons were compelled to study law by peer pressure or parental influence. Now, you are a lawyer by name but if within you, you feel that you can make a better life with your talent, you may consider developing your talent instead of forcing yourself to practice law.

Go into politics

Being a lawyer gives you an edge in a way over your colleagues out there. Your deep knowledge of the law and the society generally can as well help if you chose to go into politics. There are many lawyers in Nigeria who are into politics. You can also join politics and make good name as people’s choice in the act of governance.

Go into business

By Rules of professional conduct(Rule 7 RPC), a lawyer is barred from personally engaging in the business of buying and selling commodities and running such business that may lower the image of legal profession. But the rule also provided for exceptions. You can have your companies, appoint or employ people to work for you and oversee the day to day running of the business.

See also  Customary Marriage in Nigeria.




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