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Cost of Divorce in Nigeria: Detailed Guide



Getting divorce in Nigeria comes with heavy cost. Both you and your spouse will spend good money trying to get divorce.

An average divorce in Nigeria cost about ₦300, 000. Lawyer’s charges takes up to 90% of the said cost while the remaining 10% represents cost of filing divorce papers and cost of service of the processes.

In Nigeria, you can only get contested divorce or uncontested divorce. When it comes to cost, the cost of contested divorce is relatively higher than the cost of uncontested divorce. The reason is that contested divorce proceeding, last longer than uncontested divorce proceeding, and the longer the divorce process last in court, the more you spend in court.

However, the cost is relatively cheap compared to what is obtainable in US and other jurisdiction.


This is because in Nigeria, property evaluation are not always involved. Neither do you need study about children for you to get custody of Children. All these reduces cost of divorce.

The cost of filing divorce Papers.

The cost of filling petition in Nigeria Courts is about ₦4600. However, it is not only the petition that you will file to get divorce in Nigeria. There are other minor processes you will be required to file, and for every process you file, you pay the cost of filing the process.

As at 2022, in the course of the divorce suit, you may definitely pay for the following processes:

  • Cost of filing the petition: ₦4600
  • Cost of Answers to Petition: ₦1600
  • Cost of filing the Reply to the Petition
  • Cost of filing motion for substituted (service where applicable). ₦2500
  • Cost of filing for Pre-trial (Conference form where applicable)
  • Cost of filing the Final written address- ₦1400
    and other miscellaneous expenses.
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Cost of Service of Processes

The bailiff are usually given financial support to aid them serve the petition on your spouse. The cost the bailiff will charge depends on the place and distance where the process is to be served.

At times, the baillifs can charge as much as ₦5000 for service of process within the state where the matter was instituted and ₦20, 000 if the processes are to be served outside the State where the matter was instituted.

However, it is only the petition that requires the bailiff to serve. The other processes can be served by your lawyer without incuring further cost for you.

The Lawyers Charges in Divorce

Lawyers in Nigeria charge three different types of fee and there are:

  • Appearance fee.
  • Professional fee.
  • Consultation fee.

Appearance fee is a fee paid to a lawyer for each day he appears in  Court.It is usually lesser than the professional fee.

The appearance fee serves as the transport cost incured by a lawyer for going to represent his client in Court.

It is calculated base on the distance between the lawyer’s office and the Court where he is expected to appear for jos client.

Some lawyers charges ₦5000, as appearance fee, Some Charges  ₦10,000 as appearance.

Meanwhile, Lawyers also charger professional fee. Professional fee is the aggregate sum a lawyer charges for his services and expertise. It constitutes the major charge of a lawyer.

In Nigeria, some lawyers charge ₦300, 000. Some Lawyers charge lower or higher than that.

Some lawyers just charge professional fee, and wave both appearance fee and consultation fee.

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Again, lawyers also charge consultation fee. It is the fes you pay to a lawyer for seeking legal opionion, or advice on issues of law.

The consultation free is very similar to professional fee, save for the fact that a lawyer may charge consultation fee only where he is afraid that you may not retained him or her in the long run.

The lawyers charge varies. Many factors determines how much a lawyer will charge you. These factors include: The number of years of the lawyer and the specialty or experience of the lawyer, the size and location of the lawyers law firm and the personal standard of the lawyer.

Generally, lawyers in Big Cities in Nigeria like Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja, Anambra, Kano Charges higher fee than lawyers in Ebonyi, Gombe, or Ekiti State.


We have lawyers in Courtsarena, competent and affordable, to get you through with your intended divorce. We can help you to get your divorce Simply email us at or reach us via 08148970746. 07062392662


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