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Personal Injury Attorney San Fransisco Dolan law

Personal Injury Attorney San Fransisco Dolan law- in this edition we, have articulated herein all the facts and information you need to know to aid you make the best legal decision about your personal injury case.


Who is Personal Injury Attorney San Fransisco Dolan law?

Dolan Law firm popularly known as “Dolan law” is the law office of Chris Dolan, a renowned personal injury attorney  based in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Oakland California.

The Dolan Law firm has proven Track Record Of Success in handling personal injury cases. Several of the most important and difficult litigation filed in California state and federal court on behalf of injured parties and employees are being lead by the 15 attorneys of the Dolan Law Firm.

According to the San Francisco Business Times, the law firm has “history of winning multi-million dollar verdicts,” and they have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars for clients through settlements and jury verdicts.


Their impressive record of achievement includes the highest verdict ever, $61 million, for those who were the victims of racial and ethnic harassment and discrimination in violation of their civil rights.

Because of the victories they have obtained for their clients in court, U.S. News, Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and Martindale Hubbell have recognized them for their excellence.

You can reach the law office through their website You can also visit their office addresses in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Oakland California.

What are the areas of specialization of Personal Injury Attorney San Fransisco Dolan law?

Dolan Law is a San Francisco-area personal injury litigation business that offers clients a group of skilled lawyers to fight for justice in matters including car accidents, medical malpractice, defective products, and premises liability.

The majority of cases the firm takes on are handled on a contingency basis, which means the client incurs no up-front fees and the lawyers are only compensated as a share of the settlement or verdict if they are successful in getting their client compensation.

Dolan Law takes pride in giving clients individualized attention and accessibility throughout the legal process. The firm has a long history of winning cases and securing millions of dollars in damages for clients.

Obtaining the compensation that is due to you if you or a loved one has been wounded in an accident in the San Francisco region requires the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer. Dolan Legal is a well-known law firm that offers clients a group of seasoned attorneys who are constantly ready to battle for their clients.

How Personal Injury Attorney San Fransisco Dolan law, Can assist you in your personal injury.

You can anticipate the following from a personal injury lawyer like Dolan Law:

  • Investigation-

Complete examination of your situation to ascertain who is responsible for your injuries
expert advice on negotiating with insurance providers and navigating the legal system
Assistance in compiling and organizing supporting documentation for your assertion, such as eyewitness accounts and medical records.

  • Negotiation-

negotiating a fair settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance provider if necessary, court representation to win the most money for your damages and injuries.

  • Representation in Court.

Most personal injury cases end up in court. Unless, you are a lawyer, you might find the court room too technical. It will be safer for you to hire a lawyer who would represent you.  Dolan law firm will surely assist you and give you the best representation you deserve.

  • Proving fault-
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Whether your case will be won or lost depends on whether you are able to establish fault- that is , that your injury was caused by someone’s negligence. The elements of negligence in this regards are:

– The existence of legal duty of Care, the breach of the duty of care, by the at-fault party and the injury you suffered being as a result of the breach of duty of care.

When you have established the above elements, you have proved fault in strict sense and you are entitled to damages for the injury you suffered. A lawyer will help you to prove the above elements of negligence.

  • Gathering of evidence-

Personal injury cases requires evidence to prove fault. The evidence youay need include, the pictures of the scene of accident, injury sufferered, properties lost or damaged in the accident, medical bills and evidence of all the economic damages you may have suffered. A lawyer will help you to get this together during the investigation stage of the case.


You should search for an attorney who not only has a solid understanding of the law but also a track record of success when choosing one to represent you in a personal injury case. Dolan Law is a strong contender in both categories.

Our attorneys have spent the better part of three decades practicing personal injury law in and around the San Francisco area. Millions of dollars in damages that we have successfully recovered for our clients have benefited them, and we have developed a reputation as relentless advocates for their rights.

Customers receive the kind of considerate support and unique attention they deserve, and we are available at all times to address their questions.

We take great pride in the commitment we exhibit to each of our clients in addition to our in-depth legal knowledge. We strive to make the legal process as simple and straightforward as is humanly possible because we are aware that sustaining a personal injury may be a traumatic and nerve-wracking experience.

What Sorts of Car accident Can a San Francisco Personal Injury Attorney Assist With?

There is no comprehensive list of the different car accidents that call for consulting with a personal injury lawyer. In summary, it is best to speak with a lawyer if a vehicle impact results in injuries.

There are several different ways that this might happen, but the three main types are when a car strikes a bicycle, another automobile, or a pedestrian directly.

On California’s roads and streets, there are collisions involving vehicles, trucks, and buses every day. Too frequently, carelessness or negligence on the part of one person or party causes motor vehicle accidents.

  • Vehicle or motorcycle collisions
  • Illegal Left U-turns before another vehicle turns
  • Rough intersections
  • Failing to surrender Rage on the road
  • bicycle collisions
  • Cycling Left Dooring makes a turn before a bicycle
  • Rough intersections
  • refusal to yield
  • edestrian collisions
  • Left Crosswalk turns to a crosswalk for pedestrians
  • Rough intersection.

Frequently asked questions about Personal Injury Attorney San Fransisco Dolan law.

How can I tell whether I have a case for personal injury?

If you were injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another person, you might be qualified to make a personal injury claim. Some common examples of negligence include car accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, and medical misconduct.

To assess the spectrum of legal options accessible to you, it is essential to explore the merits of your case with an experienced personal injury lawyer, like those at Dolan Law.

How much does hiring a personal injury lawyer cost?

Dolan Law, we handle the vast majority of personal injury claims on a contingency basis, so you won’t have to pay any upfront fees. Most personal injury attorneys only get paid if they are successful in getting compensation for you.

In this instance, they negotiate or get a settlement or judgment on your behalf, and take a percentage of that result as our fee.

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Some lawyere charges as much as 30% of the amount recovered as compensation.

Again, most lawyers like Dolan Law office also offer free legal consultation, so you do not have to worry about incuring further expenses in addition to the trauma you are pasing through.

How long do lawsuits involving personal injuries take to settle?

Depending on the specifics of the case, the time it takes to conclude a personal injury claim may differ dramatically.

In certain situations, the conflict can be resolved quickly through settlement negotiations, but in other cases, it may require a longer process, such going to trial.

Dolan law firm will go above and beyond to resolve cases quickly while also making sure that their clients receive the greatest amount of compensation to which they are legally entitled.

Will I have to appear in court for my personal injury Case?

In many situations involving personal injuries, it is possible to settle out of court with the insurance provider of the party who caused the accident. On the other hand, if a settlement cannot be reached, it’s likely that a court trial will be necessary.

With Lawyer representing you, your presence won’t be needed at all cost. But it will be necessary during hearing stage, when you will be required to give evidence.

What if I was at Fault in the Police Report?

It’s crucial to understand that even if the traffic crash report identifies one person as at responsibility, the investigation is not over. Sometimes the police overlook what really happened, believe the incorrect witness, or receive inaccurate information.

While a negative police report that places the blame on an innocent driver may change the insurance company’s initial assessment of the situation, it is not the end of the matter, and the findings of the police report are infrequently, if ever, permitted to be used as evidence in court.

It would be beneficial to get a consultation with a personal injury attorney to assess your case if you were hurt in an accident and think the other motorist was at blame despite the fact that the police determined you were at fault. It is necessary to do an impartial examination of the judgments regarding what occurred or who is the credible party.

What Losses Are Recoverable in Personal injury Cases?

Those who have been hurt in an accident or crash that was the responsibility of another person, a government agency, or a business may be entitled to compensation under California law. In a personal injury case, there are a few key categories of damages that can be recovered.


Economic damages, or out-of-pocket costs, are referred to as special damages. These are frequently fairly easy to compute. They consist of the following:

-Previous medical bills, which would include co-pays and the total of any premiums paid for health insurance.

-Potential medical expenses – this would cover any anticipated surgery or other requirements brought on by the crash.

-Previous Lost Wages– The amount of lost pay should be included in any claim if the accident requires time off work.

-Future Lost Income: In some cases, a serious accident will impair one’s ability to generate money later on.

-Property damage includes any items damaged by the collision, such as damaged phones, spectacles, helmets, gloves, or essential automobile or bike repairs.


Pain & Suffering: This includes the discomfort from the incident, any necessary medical procedures, and any continued discomfort from the healing process.

Emotional distress is a phrase that can be used to refer to both the more emotional effects of harm as well as pain and suffering. The law permits compensation for the emotional torture that results from having to rely on others for assistance with basic duties or from being unable to work for a while.

Crime-Related Damages

Some members of the immediate family have a right to compensation when someone is killed as a result of the negligence of another. While there is no way to recoup for sadness or grief, there is a way to recover for whatever financial losses the decedent had caused.

Moreover, for the absence from one’s life following the death of a close relative of society, friendship, education, and the like.

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It is now also permissible to demand compensation for the decedent’s suffering prior to death. The heir to the decedent’s right of action may seek compensation for any general damages sustained as a result of the incident if death was not instantaneous.


In a car accident, punitive damages are typically not recoverable. These are damages that aim to punish and deter the wrongdoer as an individual, as well as to deter people generally from engaging in similar activities, rather than to the wounded party in an effort to make them whole.

They can only be retrieved in an auto accident or other comparable circumstance if the behavior was wanton or intentional. That probably wouldn’t include someone who ran a red light, failed to look to the left, or glanced at their phone momentarily. Yet, it might also include someone who was driving while inebriated or who was engaging in car racing.

Notably, any claim for punitive damages may make it difficult to receive compensation from insurance. Intentional acts are not covered by insurance, and a quasi-intentional conduct is necessary to qualify for punitive damages.

Do I require a personal injury attorney to make a claim for emotional distress or pain and suffering?

Although it is not necessary to engage a personal injury lawyer to file a claim for mental distress or pain and suffering, insurance companies frequently reduce payouts for these damages unless a person has a strong claim and is assisted by a lawyer.

A lawyer can assist you understand the emotional and financial costs of the medical care you will need to get. There will be discomfort related to the physical injuries sustained.

One may frequently need to take time off work or receive assistance with daily living chores.When our identity is altered in that way, it has an emotional cost. When we are not the people we were before an accident, our self-esteem suffers.

By hiring a personal injury attorney, you can make sure that the insurance company is aware of your whole story, that all of your possible claims are made, and that you have legal representation to fight for the pay you are due. Free consultations are offered by the Dolan Law Firm.


The Dolan Law firm has the knowledge and resources necessary to pursue justice on behalf of victims hurt in pedestrian, automobile, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents.

Since the company’s founding in 1995, the Dolan Law Firm, one of California’s top personal injury law firms, has successfully represented thousands of injured people as well as the families of loved ones killed in car, bike, motorcycle, truck, and other vehicle accidents as well as pedestrians struck by cars.

We are aware firsthand of the physical, psychological, and financial devastation that a major auto accident may cause. We promise to treat you with respect and compassion. We will be at your side throughout the entire legal process.

We recognize that the majority of people find litigation to be frightening and unfamiliar, and that your energy is better used for healing. Each customer will receive a thorough explanation of the law, including both the advantages and disadvantages, and we will let you know what to anticipate at each stage of the procedure.

The main reason why clients choose our legal office and, when the litigation is over, recommend us to their family and friends if they have been in a car accident is because we consistently achieve great results in settlement discussions and in court.

We have a reputation for winning difficult and complex cases at trial. Because of this, our recoveries frequently exceed those of the industry as a whole. For example, we give our customers:

  • Attorneys with a proven track record of success who specialize in crashes and accidents provide individualized, sensitive legal counsel; substantial resources for research, finance, and technology that are unavailable to a single attorney or small law firm;
  • access to experts in accident reconstruction who can determine what caused the collision and who or what was at blame, including driver error, subpar auto parts, and hazardous road conditions;
  • and experts in economics and biomechanics are available to assess the full degree of your injuries and estimate the cost of your future medical requirements as well as any lost wages or reduced earning ability as a result of the collision.

We offer the following benefits to clients who have suffered personal injuries or accidents:
We are tenacious and morally upright supporters of our clients.

We give every client with individualized, excellent legal counsel supported by significant financial and technological capabilities that neither a sole practitioner nor a small law firm can deliver;

For cases involving brain, spine, neck, and back injuries, we conduct in-depth investigations and have access to the top accident reconstruction and biomechanics experts.

We are renowned for successfully prosecuting difficult and complex cases in court. Because of this, we frequently secure payouts that are far higher than the average for the industry, including some of the biggest judgments and settlements ever in individual injury cases in the state of California.


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